Digital Strategy
Art Direction
UI interface design
Online Communication
Digital Product Manager
Estudio de diseño La Casa de Carlota
The Casa de Carlota Design Studio is a rare but tremendously innovative design studio. It employs people with super disabilities: Down’s syndrome, autism and young students and senior designers. Collaborating with them involves understanding them and processing their way of thinking, in order to integrate their work into the digital projects and achieve a spectacular result. Here I show you 2 of the projects where I have worked, hand in hand, with the studio’s team. –
The first project was for the company ECODES, which proposed an initiative to curb climate change through small promises made by moms/dads to their children.

We devised the digital strategy, UX approach, content and functionalities. The UI interface design was carried out using the illustrations of the graphic designers of La Casa de Carlota design studio, simple and above all friendly elements to make the user’s tasks easier. The online campaign involved different influencers such as Mammaproof or the Club de Malasmadres to help spread the word about the project, give it credibility and reach its audience more easily.

The second project was a mini digital project with the aim of improving the internal relationship of a company with more than 700 employees. wasWe had to find a different way to congratulate their employees on their anniversary. The idea was to create an attractive and fun internal mailing campaign incorporating the illustrations of the designers of La Casa de Carlota Design Studio.